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A Long Walk To Water

A Long Walk to Water | Linda Sue Park


A Long Walk to Water is told in two storylines, one in 1985 and one in 2008. The setting is Sudan. When the war comes to his village Salva flees and walks hundreds of miles and has a long, difficult, and extremely sad journey. In 2008 Nya walks many miles just to get dirty, warm, muddy water for her family to drink. A Long Walk to Water is an eye-opening book that everyone should read.


A Long Walk to Water is an incredible book. It makes you feel like you are right there experiencing the pain and hardship of the characters. The book really opened my eyes to the hardship people go through every day, even just to have a sip of water. A Long Walk to Water is definitely on my Top Ten Books Everyone Should Read.


Genre: Historical Fiction

Age Group: 9+

Rating Out of Five Stars: 5

Is It A Series: No

Fiction or Nonfiction: Mostly Nonfiction


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The Bookwyrms
The Bookwyrms
Nov 23, 2020

I agree. It really opened my eyes to the things people face each day. After reading this book I really want to help those people!


Nov 06, 2020

I've read this it was amazing and very inspiring

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