Little Cat’s Luck | Marion Dane Bauer
Patches is an indoor cat. One day, she sees an autumn leaf fluttering past her window, and chases it. She gets lost, but feels something tugging at her, telling her to find a special place, that she will know when she sees it. She keeps wandering, and finds a mean dog named Gus, but she isn’t scared, and befriends him. But when something incredible happens, will Gus help Patches, or go back to being a mean dog?
This book is so, so, so, so, sweet! The author did a great job with painting pictures with the words she used, and I loved it! Definitely worth reading!
Genre: Poetry
Age Group: 8-10 (But anyone could enjoy reading it!)
Rating Out of Five Stars: 5
Is It A Series: No, but the author has written another in kind of the same style called Little Dog, Lost.
Fiction or Nonfiction: Fiction