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Swallows and Amazons

Swallows and Amazons | Arthur Ransome


The Walker family goes to a house by a lake for summer vacation. Their dad is in the Navy and is currently living on a destroyer, so the children are very excited to find a small sailboat, the Swallow, in the boathouse. They immediately send a telegram to their father asking if they may sail to an island in the “sea” and camp there. When their father says yes, they quickly set about planning their voyage. But will the natives and pirates be friendly?


This book is amazing! I sail small boats and can totally relate to the book. It was most definitely written by a sailor because all the points of sail and boat parts are labeled correctly which can be a bit confusing if you do not know what Mr. Ransome is talking about. I highly recommend this book to everyone and it is a very appropriate book. The 1930’s English can be a bit tricky at times, but the book is totally worth a bit of confusion. 😉


Genre: Realistic Fiction

Age Group: 8.5+ The book was originally published in 1930 so the language might be a little tricky for early readers. 😀😉

Rating Out of Five Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Is It A Series: Yes. Unfortunately, the books are a bit rare and some original hardcover editions are $100+ USD. Paperbacks are usually under $30 USD but hard to find.

Fiction or Nonfiction: Fiction


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Lime Time
Lime Time
Aug 03, 2020

I should read that one!


Lime Time
Lime Time
Aug 03, 2020

Sounds like a cool book!

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