The Adventures of Tom Sawyer | Mark Twain
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a story of a boy living in the town of St. Petersburg in the 1840s. Tom goes on many exciting escapades involving robberies, murders, pirates, and a great treasure. This classic novel will surprise you in many ways and keep you smiling as Tom finds himself in one mess after another.
This is definitely a classic American historical book; but there’s no use denying it. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer has been banned many times from libraries on account of the very bad words. Otherwise, I really enjoyed this book; it definitely surprised me by how fast paced and fun it was. If you feel like you’re ready this is a great book for you.
Genre: Classic, Historical Fiction, Realistic Fiction
Age Group: 10+
Rating Out of Five Stars: 3
Is It A Series: No
Fiction or Nonfiction: Fiction
Details: This review is on the complete and unabridged version of the book.