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The Golden Goblet

The Golden Goblet | Eloise Jarvis Mcgraw


In The Golden Goblet protagonists Ranofer, Heqet and the Ancient are about to have the adventure of their lives. The setting? Ancient Thebes. After Ranofer’s father dies his previously unheard-of half-brother, Gebu steps in as his legal guardian. Abusive and mean, Gebu dosen’t let Ranofr pursue his dream as a goldsmith. Instead ranofer must be a servant in a gold shop. But when Ranofer finds that Gebu is up to something this just might be his only chance to change his destiny. Can he bring what’s in the dark into the light?


This book wasn’t incredibly exciting at times, but it was super interesting to learn about the Ancient Egyptian city of Thebes in form of a story. Overall it was a quite well-written book.


Genre: Historical Fiction

Age Group: 8+

Rating Out of Five Stars: 3

Is It A Series: No

Fiction or Nonfiction: Fiction


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Lime Time
Lime Time
Nov 09, 2020

I have read this before too!

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