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The Outcasts

Brotherband: The Outcasts | John Flanagan


Hal Mikkelson is smart, innovative, and creative. Unfortunately, in Skandia, those qualities don’t earn acceptance. Instead, warriors with great physical strength and who are adept at weaponry are honored. This, and the fact that he’s half Araluen makes Hal a target for Tursgud, one of the meanest kids in Skandia. Hal spends most of his time inventing and creating everything from a new type of sail rig to a system that would, in theory, bring running water to his mother’s kitchen. Brotherband training, a grueling school year of physical exercise and weapons training designed to make boys into warriors, begins soon. Will Hal be able to survive Brotherband with Tursgud? Will he have the strength to complete the training?


The Outcasts was an exciting book to read. I highly recommend it to readers who enjoyed John Flanagan’s Ranger’s Apprentice series. It most certainly didn’t disappoint me after reading the Rangers Apprentice series.


Genre: Realistic Fiction, Fiction, Historical Fiction

Age Group: 10-14

Rating Out of Five Stars: 5

Is It A Series: Yes – the Brotherband series. Book one of six at the time of this post.

Fiction or Nonfiction: Fiction

Other Series By This Author: The Ranger’s Apprentice series, the Early Years series


2 commentaires

Aflafla the Alpaca
Aflafla the Alpaca
08 sept. 2021

Ooh yes! I just got this one and am very excited to read it. :)

Aflafla the Alpaca
Aflafla the Alpaca
09 nov. 2021
En réponse à

This, and the rest of the series, is super good! I loved them, and would definitely recommend! :)

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